Six New Projects for Security Innovations

17 Dec 2014
Author: HSD Foundation

Six initiatives innovative security innovations will receive a total of 1 million euro from The Hague Security Delta’s Development Fund. The fund aims to stimulate cooperation and further growth of the security cluster in the region The Hague and the Netherlands in order to create more jobs and a more secure society. 

Deputy Mayor of The Hague Ingrid van Engelshoven (responsible for knowledge economy and international development) said: “A contribution from the HSD Development Fund ensures that initiatives from consortia can be brought into practice. Innovations in the security sector are important for the creation of jobs. In addition, these innovations will contribute to a more secure world. As the international city of peace and justice, we are happy to play a significant role in this.” 

Applications were assessed on: relevance to security, innovation, cooperation with private- and public parties, and economic effects. Out of 17 applications, 6 were selected and the available 1 million euro will be divided amongst them. The money is made available by the municipality of The Hague.

The Threadstone project aims to detect and report weak sports in websites and devices connected to the internet. This leads to the prevention of cybercrime.

Digital Evidence Dashboard is a product that makes it possible for non-technical detectives to determine in an early stage which digital evidence could be of relevance.

Foxguard is a detection tool that can be used by organisations to find out whether or not their computers have fallen victim to digital espionage or a cyber attack.

Mister eXtra is developing a tool for preventing traces being effaced or become unusable during forensic analyses. Detectives will be able to see results directly at the crime scene without having to send the traces to a laboratory first. This increases the chances of criminals being caught.

Total Blackout is a serious game that helps users from different critical sectors, like energy and telecom, prepare for crises.

Eventcloud is creating a platform for open and closed event data and security features. The platform’s goal is to increase the security at events and at the same time decrease security costs, making events more profitable and assuring the existence of free-of-charge public events.

Click here for more information (in Dutch) about the HSD Development Fund.


Read the official press release (In Dutch)

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