Second Round Cyber Security Research Projects Launched
As part of the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)'s long-term research program on Cyber Security, eleven research projects were recently accepted. These projects are aimed at increasing security in our digital society, without sacrificing our concern for privacy.
A short list of the projects shows the social importance of such research: e-Identity, the fight against cybercrime, autonomous control of ICT-infrastructures, secure fingerprints on smartcards, anomaly detection in smart grids, safety and security risk management and monitoring, data protection and privacy by design, incident analysis reporting while remaining confidentiality, cryptographic incident management for the protection of critical infrastructures, security and privacy of serious Apps, and protecting public organizations against DDoS-attacks.
This research program is part of the second investment round in cybersecurity research, which is financed and initiated by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, the Ministry of Security and Justice (coordinated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs), the Governing Board of NWO and NWO Physical Sciences, Social Sciences (MaGW), and technology foundation STW.
More information (in Dutch) can be found here.