Reminder: Cyber Investor Days

28 Apr 2020
Author: HSD Foundation

Don't miss your chance to attend all-digital cybersecurity B2B meetings!


UPDATE #1: Given the current circumstances surrounding COVID-19, the event will be held exclusively online. 
The European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) and the EIT Digital Accelerator have the pleasure of inviting you to the Brussels edition of the Cyber Investor Days, scheduled on 13-14 May 2020. 
The 7th edition of the ECSO cybersecurity business matchmaking events focuses on both the access-to-market (corporates business relations) & the access-to-finance (investments) support.
During the Cyber Investor Days, the promising European cybersecurity startups and SMEs will have a chance to pitch their cybersecurity solutions & hold B2B meetings with the leading investors and corporates from Europe and beyond. 

For corporates & investors. Interested corporates and investors from Europe and beyond are invited to register here
To see the original post click here
Source: ECSO