Recap Cyber Security Week: a Huge Success

24 Apr 2015
Author: HSD Foundation

From 13 to 17 April the Cyber Security Week took place at the HSD Campus. It was organised in the same week as the NCSC One Conference and the Global Conference on Cyber Space and put the national security cluster The Hague Security Delta in the spotlight.


The week was made possible by no less than 75 parties and was a huge success. Without the cooperation of these partners this would not have been possible: they gave the week substance and were responsible for an interesting programme.   Also, HSD is especially proud of the multiplier effect in the Cyber Security Week communication. With the help and cooperation of all partners, the security cluster was able to reach a much wider audience, resulting in items on the NOS Journaal, Jeugdjournaal, TV West, as well as many radio items and newspaper articles.


For an overview of the Cyber Security Week’s results, take a look at the infographic!


The photos and recap videos of this week are available here.