Present your Organisation at the IoT Internship- and Jobmarket

06 Nov 2017
Author: HSD Foundation


Are you looking for IT and Digital Forensic talent? Join the  internship- and jobmarket and present the internship- and job opportunities within your organisation. The market takes place on Friday 17 November from 12.30h till 14:00h at the HSD Campus, and is organised by Leiden University of Applied Science’s lectureship Digital Forensics & E-Discovery and the study Forensic ICT.


During the internship- and job market, 3th and 4th year students Forensic ICT (FICT) will present their posters on their internship assignment. The visiting 2nd year students will be able to learn about what an internship entails from the senior years’ students.


Businesses can apply here by sending an email to Wiebe Wamelink, coordinator IoT Forensic Lab.


DFRWS IoT Challenge

During this event, there will be a short presentation on the new DFRWS IoT Challenge. Students, lecturers and professionals from the workfield, who join to IoT Forensic Lab team, will join forces and aim to solve the DFRWS IoT challenge together before 21 February.


IoT Forensic Lab

The IoT Forensic Lab was opened in September this year, during the Cyber Security Week. In this IoT Forensic Lab - located on the campus of The Hague Security Delta (HSD) - specialists and students conduct research into digital evidence in and from IoT devices. Moreover, In the IoT Forensic Lab, teachers of the Forensic ICT specialization at Leiden University of Applied Sciences accompany the third and fourth year students who work during their internship with advanced digital forensic techniques. Second-year students also receive practical education in the lab.


HSD Partners involved

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