NXP Signs Industry Collaboration with EU Commission on Cyber Security

15 Jul 2016
Author: HSD Foundation

NXP, a founding partner of the European Cyber Security Organization (ECSO), signed the contract for a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) with the European Commission to establish a strategic alliance in cybersecurity. ECSO is a non-profit association, set up by NXP and other leading stakeholders, with the ambition to develop a trusted cyber ecosystem in Europe. NXP Semiconductors N.V. is specialised in secure connections and infrastructure for a smarter world.


European Union will invest €450 million in this partnership as part of its research & innovation program Horizon 2020. In return, ECSO members are to jointly invest an additional €1.3 billion into research and development of innovative and trusted cybersecurity solutions, products and services. "Trusted components are fundamental for market development of innovative applications like IoT, smart systems and revolutionary solutions for instance in automatic driving", said Senior Vice President and General Manager Secure Card Solutions Ulrich Huewels, who represented NXP at the signing ceremony.


Recently, HSD joined forces with AutomotiveNL for Automotive Security. We are currently exploring opportunities to set up crossovers between the security and automotive sector. Developments in autonomous (unmanned) driving are rapidly evolving and present. Aim is to explore opportunities to become involved in a security-by-design approach, integrating security from the start of the automotive innovation process.

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