NISDUC 2024: Public-Private Parties Discuss NIS2 Directive

24 Apr 2024
Author: HSD Foundation

On 23 and 24 April, the RDI (Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur), in cooperation with the NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) and with the participation of other relevant regulators, organised the NIS Directive User Community (NISDUC) 2024 in The Hague. This international conference is entirely dedicated to the implementation of the new European directive NIS2. This directive aims to increase digital resilience and mitigate the consequences of cyber incidents in the EU. During the conference a wide range of speakers from home and abroad spoke on the impact of NIS2.


The conference was officially opened by Justice and Security Minister Dilan Yesilgoz, who stressed the importance of cybersecurity for the Netherlands:

"We are one of the most digitised countries in the world. More than ever in our country, every sector and every organisation is part of a digital ecosystem. This provides us with knowledge and economies of scale, but also brings risks and vulnerabilities."

The participants were then welcomed by Jasper Nagtegaal, director of Digital Resilience at the RDI. Jasper described the challenges posed by the NIS2. For companies, but also for the RDI and other relevant regulators and governments. "But today and tomorrow, above all, I also see opportunities. Because the challenges we face can only be solved together. This conference helps us in that regard."


During the programme presentations were given by among others the Digital Trust Centre and the European Commission. There were also sessions for various sectors that will be impacted by NIS2. The common message in all the presentations was to not wait for the new legislation, but to take action immediately.


For more information on the NIS2 directive, see the RDI website.

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