New Premium Partners Milvum and Anti-Fraud Company Welcomed to HSD Community

10 Oct 2017
Author: HSD Foundation

On Monday 9 October, entrepreneurs Salim Hadri from Milvum and Viresh Jagesser from Anti-Fraud Company were welcomed as new Premium Partners to the HSD community during the weekly HSD Lunch. Both companies are providing digital security app solutions to tackle security issues within the public and private domain. Their expertise is focused on Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain. Setting their footprints Milvum already participated in nine hackathons and won six of those.  The Anti-Fraud Company is now a nominee for the Computable Digital Transformation of the Year Award, which will be announced on Tuesday 31 October.


Milvum is able to create valuable solutions in a short time using the hackathon mindset for other organisations. As a premium partner of the HSD, Milvum is connected to a large hub of possible partners and clients. Milvum hopes to reach and inspire others about new technology solutions, especially through blockchain with regard to cybersecurity. On the other hand HSD offers value, as Milvum can learn from other security providers.

Milvum believes that by using Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, security issues can be tackled in a new way. Milvum can assist organisations with digital transformation through consultancy, development and implementation.


“We are proud to be a premium partner of HSD. Milvum will add value to the security cluster with domain expertise in Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence.“ – Salim Hadri (CEO, Milvum)


HSD Milvum  


Photo: Salim Hadri (CEO, Milvum) and Joris den Bruinen (Deputy Director, HSD)


Anti-Fraud Company
With our Meld een Vermoeden platform we are making the government more vigilant and resilient against crime and fraud. To achieve even more urban safety, we need to continue to expand our platform with more intelligence. The Triple Helix of the HSD is the perfect foundation for our platform to grow.
Our expertise lies in letting different parties and government organisations collaborate together through platforms for the overall safety of the community. To make this possible we are looking for ambitious and progressive municipalities that want to put our platform to the test. A partnership between knowledge institutions to see how we can contribute to more urban safety.


“Digital solutions like the Meld een Vermoeden platform offers new ways for municipalities and their partners to fully work together in combating crime and fraud and thus ensuring safety in the municipality. By partnering with the HSD, we can use the Triple Helix for more urban safety though our platform. ” Viresh Jagesser - CEO Anti-Fraud Company




Photo: Joris den Bruinen (Deputy Director, HSD) and Viresh Jagesser (CEO, Anti-Fraud Company)

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