Premium Partner Comsec Joins HSD for Sharing Knowledge, Technology and Tools

20 Mar 2020
Author: HSD Foundation

Comsec Consulting recently joined the HSD community as a Premium Partner. Comsec is a global company with a long track record, for over 32 years, of providing cybersecurity consulting services for different business sectors around the globe.


To keep organisations continuously resilient to cyber threats Comsec provides services and solutions to fulfill any organisation’s Cyber Security needs. Some of the top services offered include:


  • Security Code Review
  • Application & Infrastructure Security & Design Reviews
  • Risk Assessment
  • Executive Cyber Drill
  • DDoS Readiness simulation
  • ISO 27XXX Readiness
  • GDPR Readiness
  • PCI-DSS Readiness & Certification
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence
  • Cloud Security
  • SDLC


Yan Apelfeld, Managing Director from Comsec Europe: “We’re confident that HSD is the right community for sharing new ideas, methods, technology and tools. That is why we’ve joined. By sharing our knowledge and experience, we truly believe that we can be much more efficient dealing with the continuously changing cyber threats scene."  


Yan Apelfeld: "In my opinion it will be highly beneficial for Comsec Global, that originally wasn’t established in the Netherlands, to get closer and more involved within the local Cyber Community by sharing its own knowledge and getting it from other members of HSD.


The challenges that we view in the security domain are the skill gaps amongst cybersecurity professionals. Also, the ever further (digital)connection of the world is a challenge that Comsec sees. There are many more IoT devices than we used to have in the past. Also, much more data about us and organisations is based in the cloud. To make our data useful, it is shared between parties. All this enables hackers much easier access to hack and cause huge damage to organisations. Therefore, we would love to expand our boutique services and collaborate.”

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