Introducing New Premium Partner MindYourPass

21 Oct 2020
Author: HSD Foundation

MindYourPass has joined the HSD community as a Premium Partner. MindYourPass is an Eindhoven-based high-tech cybersecurity company. It offers a unique, patented solution to the growing risk of online accounts. The solution consists of a systematic approach for monitoring and controlling the security of all online accounts in an organisation, and a password generation technology that offers the strongest passwords possible without ever storing them and without the need for users to remember them. In contrast to password managers, MindYourPass is a security solution. In contrast to cybersecurity solutions, MindYourPass makes people’s live easy.


Merijn de Jonge, founder and CEO of MindYourPass: "We are a high-tech startup company with an international patent for a password generation solution. This solution forms a unique combination of security, privacy and usability. Security because we generate the strongest passwords possible without ever storing them. Privacy, because users remain anonymous. Usability, because users need to remember online one easy-to-remember password for all their accounts." 


Added value 

The added value for MindYourPass to join this Dutch cyber security cluster is because MindYourPass can help increase the online security of organisations without the need for organisations to invest in expensive alternatives for passwords. With MindYourPass, organisations can continue to benefit from existing password infrastructure, which is available everywhere, but the human aspect, which makes traditional passwords insecure, is removed. As a partner, MindYourPass gains a platform to explain the uniqueness and added value of its solution to the HSD cyber security community. 


Challenges in the security domain 

Regarding the challenges in the security domain, MindYourPass identifies three challenges. First, employees of organisations use more and more online accounts. This means that (potentially) company-sensitive and privacy-sensitive data is migrating to external systems. This causes a couple of security risks which many organisations do not sufficiently recognize or address. The most severe risks include the fact that an organisation usually doesn’t know about all the accounts that are being used. Therefore, the organisation might not take appropriate action to protect these accounts, or to respond in case of a security incident.


A second challenge is that an organisation has often limited or no control over the password quality of its employees on external, online systems. Most of such online accounts are protected by a username and a password. Since people are (in general) not able to create and remember sufficiently strong passwords, the risk that many of these online accounts are not protected well enough, is about 100%.


A third challenge is that these online accounts can be accessed from all over the world. There is no company infrastructure that shields access to these accounts. This means that anyone in the world can try to gain access to these accounts. These risks, lead to many security incidents. To make organisations aware of these risks and to motivate them to take actions, we see as challenges in the security domain.


“Passwords aren’t bad at all! The only thing that is bad about passwords is that people have to create and remember them.” - Merijn de Jonge, CEO and founder of MindYourPass


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