Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate and The Hague Security Delta

17 Apr 2015
Author: HSD Foundation

On the 15th of April, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the US Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (DHS) and The Hague Security Delta (HSD). It provides for a framework for triple-helix cooperation on security innovations and knowledge and will also lead to new trade and business opportunities between the Netherlands and the US.  The cooperation has been made possible by the ‘Innovatie Attache netwerk’ of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.

In an effort to identify innovative technology in the areas of cyber security, critical infrastructure protection, and national security, DHS has determined that it needs to more efficiently communicate requirements, capability gaps, technology and information to the private sector.  DHS’s commitment to providing state of the art technological capabilities to its operating components and the Nation’s first responders requires that it maintains awareness of cutting edge advancements in the security industry.  As such, DHS will work with HSD to bring together DHS personnel, first responders, end users, and private sector personnel in an online and/or face-to-face environment to exchange information and facilitate technical discussions on common goals and achievable objectives.

HSD’s role is to assist DHS by communicating publicly available information on DHS capability gaps, technology requirements, and outreach opportunities to its partners in order to expand the scope of DHS awareness into private sector capabilities. HSD will also involve related organisations.

All parties involved in this initiative will benefit from cost savings, technology awareness, and enhanced relationships.  DHS will benefit by being made aware of technology solutions and services which fit the expressed needs of homeland security end users.  Furthermore, the private sector will benefit by being made aware of specific, publicly available, DHS and HSD requirements and capability gaps.