Meet the Newest Tenants at the HSD Campus

22 May 2014
Author: HSD Foundation

 The number of companies and institutions based in the HSD Campus is growing rapidly and steadily. Since its opening on 13 February 2014, the HSD Campus - located in The Hague’s business district ‘Beatrixkwartier’ - has welcomed eight new companies to its premises. And an increasing number of companies have expressed their interest in the possibilities this national innovation center has to offer. The HSD Campus is an inspirational meeting place for entrepreneurs, students and professionals in the security sector. The Municipality of The Hague and the European Union (EDRF) have jointly invested 1.5 million euros in this innovation, meeting, and education hub and these efforts have led to clear results.

Tenants HSD Campus
HSD Campus is home to The Hague Security Delta Foundation, as well as its SME support desk (‘SME Connect’). ENCS and the newly founded Cyber Security Academy also make use of its education facilities on a regular basis. The following businesses and institutions are established at the HSD Campus:

  • Crowdsense (since 17 March)
  • vanderVoort Cyber Security (since 13 February)
  • Tax Office Internet Service Center (since 1 April)
  • ICOPP (since 1 April)
  • Thales (since 15 May)
  • TNO (from 1 June)
  • Tokenizer (from 1 June)
  • Authasas (from 1 June)
  • ITSX
  • Dutch National Police Force
  • HCSS
  • Fox-iT
  • Track Inspector
  • Deloitte


Tenants about their choice to settle in HSD Campus
For TNO, one of the founding fathers of The Hague Security Delta, “joining the HSD Campus is both a logical and inevitable step”, says Kees d’Huy, Business Line Manager Security & Protection and member of the HSD executive committee. TNO aims to promote collaboration within HSD based on an integrated approach with contributions from multiple disciplines. Therefore at the HSD Campus, TNO shares its Cyber Security Research Lab with its partners to use as a joint facility, enabling synergies amongst the partners’ innovations. Besides technology development, the lab also focuses on human factors, processes and organisational and management issues. TNO is also represented in 'SME connect’ by SME manager Boy Kodde. Read more about TNO’s role in HSD.


Tokenizer (PIT Group) makes two-factor authentication available and affordable for any company or organisation around the world. “Tokenizer actually adds an extra layer of security to all logins. Precisely in this highly specialised knowledge lies Tokenizer’s added value to the HSD cluster”, says General Manager Leopold van Oosten. “Inevitable and very useful in a time when well-known websites and services, governments and companies are hacked on a daily basis. The HSD Campus is an ideal location for us: in addition to government institutions and research institutes there are also many potential business partners to be found.”


The Internet Service Centre (ISC) of the Tax Office (Belastingdienst) is in fact the first governmental organisation in the Triple Helix to be established at HSD Campus. “The aim of settling on the HSD Campus is to increase our cooperation with public and private parties. A strategic choice”, says Eric Hertogh, head of the ISC. The ISC itself is a cooperation between several Tax Office business units, specialised in delivering intelligence, tools, education and support for the purpose of enforcement based on data from open sources.

“ISC has been doing research since the nineties on how to use information from open sources in a responsible manner. Our broad experience in cooperating with other parties in this field, our good reputation as a provider of apprenticeships and the extensive international network we’ve built, are things other companies and partners on the HSD Campus can really benefit from”, according to Hertogh. The current focus of ISC is on the European project Tool Against Financial and Economic Internet Crime (TAFEIC).


"Exact right ambience to welcome clients and partners"
The tenants are pleased with the excellent facilities available at the HSD Campus. Leopold van Oosten (Tokenizer): “The HSD Campus has the exact right ambience to welcome clients and partners and provide us with perfect spaces for our presentations, courses and workshops.”


Would you like to join HSD Campus or receive more information? Businesses, government and knowledge institutes can still apply and register for offices (temporary or permanent), work stations, meeting rooms and training and lab facilities that are available to let. An online brochure about the options and features of the HSD Campus is available.


For more information,please contact Mr. E. van der Rijt of the Municipality of The Hague: +31 (0)70 353 77 90,


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