Looking Back on the International Cyber Security Summer School 2022

06 Dec 2022
Author: HSD Foundation

Last August, 63 motivated students and young professionals from a wide range of nationalities and backgrounds successfully completed the International Cyber Security Summer School 2022. Now it’s time to look back, including a recap video and factsheet. So you can see what you missed out on, and to give you an opportunity to pre-register for next year’s Summer School.


The week kicked off with a special welcome by mayor of the Hague, Jan van Zanen, and a first lecture by Hester Somsen, current head of the National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security. Following this, students were given an introduction on all things cybersecurity before the week really kicked off with a variety of lectures, and finally: an introduction to the challenges.


During the International Cyber Security Summer School participants followed multidisciplinary lectures from public, private, and knowledge institutions, such as the lecture from Pepijn Vissers of Chapter8, and the lecture provided by Secura’s Paul Pols. They also participated in challenges provided by Leiden University, Booz Allen Hamilton, Europol European Cybercrime Centre, NATO CI Agency, DNB, Deloitte, Accenture and SecuredNow.


Challenges were offered in a variety of subjects, so all participants could tackle a challenge at their level and in their field of interest. NCI Agency offered a challenge on the military use of Internet of Things, Deloitte asked the participants to play CISO to a fictional company, and SecuredNow divided students into a red and blue team to take on a ‘trillion-euro heist’.


Aside from the challenges, participants were also given the opportunity to do some networking during the annual HR event, and other social events. During the HR event, the 16 participating partner organisations were given an opportunity to speak to the cybersecurity talent present, and to properly introduce them to their activities in the field of security.


Watch the recap video here:



And here's the facts on the ICSSS:

Schermafbeelding 2022 12 05 om 14.58.39


Want to know more about the summer school? Read this interview with Marlou Snelders, our innovation liaison who organised this weeklong programme.


Pre-registration 2023 edition is now open!

Next ICSSS is taking place 20-25 August 2023. If you’d like an opportunity to experience the ICSSS for yourself, make sure to pre-register now. Don’t wait too long, as slots are limited, and you might miss your chance! You can do so here.


Interested in becoming a partner of the ICSSS?

Reach out to us at info@securitytalent.nl and tell us in what way you'd like to contribute (workshop/lecture/challenge/HR event/etc).


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