Launch of a New Weapon in the Fight against DDos Attacks

27 Oct 2014
Author: HSD Foundation

As of today, a new solution to counter DDoS attacks is available in the Netherlands. The ‘Trusted Networks Initiative’ allows organisations to temporary close their website for foreign internet traffic in order to defend itself against an attack and at the same time still be accessible to Dutch consumers.


The Trusted Networks Initiative will be presented to the community at the Holland Strikes Back event on 28 October 2014 in Amersfoort. During this event leading speakers will present the most important Dutch innovations for the battle against cyber criminality. For more information about this event click here (in Dutch).


The idea for the ‘Trusted Networks Initiative’ was developed by internet exchanges NL-ix and the NLnet foundation, in collaboration with The Hague Security Delta. The main goals of the initiative are to limit the economic damage caused by DDoS attacks and the inconvenience to consumers.  


“The product we developed with partners from the financial sector and the internet operators sector  is also an innovation that can be marketed globally and can put the Netherlands on the map internationally in the field of cyber security”, following Rob de Wijk, General Director The Hague Security Delta.


Trusted Networks Initiative

The Trusted Networks Initiative helps to fight and mitigate security incidents and risks by identifying and certifying  ‘trusted networks’ on the Public Internet. It enables participating networks to route (called Trusted Routing) Internet traffic to other 'Trusted Networks' independently from the 'untrusted' part of the Internet, either only during emergencies as last-resort measure, or permanently for risk mitigation.


The initiative is not contrary to the principles of net neutrality because every organisation can decide for itself whether or not their website should be closed off from part of the internet to defend itself against a DDoS attack.  


For the official press release (in Dutch) click here.

For the article in 'het Financieele Dagblad' (in Dutch) click here.


For more information about the Trusted Networks Initiative click here


Logo trusted Networks Initiative

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