Introducing New Residents of the HSD Campus: Splendo, Nováccent, Secure Connection and Onegini

17 Mar 2016
Author: HSD Foundation

In the first months of 2016 the HSD campus welcomed four new residents. The main speciality of these companies varies from software development and ICT solutions to technical risk analysis as well as securing personal data in combination with bank-grade mobile apps. 

Splendo: “The HSD gains a new high-tech resident with a lot of knowledge”
Splendo is a Dutch company specialised in software development for the security and healthcare industry. Splendo not only develops her own innovative solutions, but also acts as a contractor for leading international organizations. “Splendo continuously searches for possibilities to collaborate. The character and location of the HSD is ideal for this purpose. Moreover, this campus is appealing for (potential) customers and employees”, says Luc Demarteau, founder and CEO of Splendo.  “ Through our presence on the campus Splendo strives to become more visible in the market and find new partners.”  The HSD gains a new high-tech resident with a lot of knowledge in the area of software development. 

Nováccent: “HSD Campus offers great facilities and hosts many partners who have all the same goal”
Nováccent ICT Solutions supports her customers in improving their resistance against cybercrime and IT related fraud. Stef Liethoff, CTO and partner of Nováccent states:  “ for almost 14 years we enable our customer business objectives by ensuring the security and integrity of IT assets through continuous threat intelligence, vulnerability management, effective defence and rapid response. Nováccent wants to be at the right place, at the right time and wants to be surrounded with the right people. The HSD Campus is the centre of security and creativeness and we believe that sharing information and knowledge about cybercrime with partners and customers will improve creativity and stimulate innovative solutions in order to realise an effective resistance against cybercrime for all of us. HSD Campus offers great facilities and hosts many partners who all have the same goal to share knowledge, leading to new innovative solutions, which Nováccent believes are really necessary in the new era of cybercrime. Nováccent develops solutions based on practical experience within large enterprise customers. We can offer this experience to the partners within HSD to stimulate new innovations and business development.”

Secure Connection: “Quite simple it's where the action is”
Secure Connection is active in the field of (technical) risk analysis, (pen) testing and network monitoring. In the 20 years since its existence, numerous tools have been developed and placed  in the market of computer added risk analysis. Founder & CEO Jan Jaarsma emphasises: “ currently we are actively researching the combined usage of expert systems and machine learning technics for network monitoring, thereby focusing on anomaly detection in near real-time. This work is done on the basis of an in house developed intelligent agent platform which can act as a HIDS or a NIDS based on provided scenario. Why we chose for the HSD campus? That’s quite simple:  it's where the action is. The concentration of multiple security firms offers a world of opportunities in extending our network in security for business to business and sharing our knowledge with other participants in the world of cyber security and threads. 

Onegini , “The HSD enables us to be close to other startup/scale-up companies which inspires and enables knowledge sharing.”
Onegini brings customers seamless and secure access to their personal data using bank-grade secured mobile apps and enables them to perform transactions. Onegini's customer base includes large insurance companies, banks and telecom providers in Europe. “We strongly believe in partnerships, networking and connecting with likeminded people and companies. It was therefor obvious open an office at the HSD Campus where other likeminded security focused companies are conveniently clustered. Firstly the HSD is very well catered to facilitate every need of a startup/scale-up company, secondly to be close to other startup/scale-up companies inspires and enables knowledge sharing”, states Denis Joannides, founder and CEO of Onegini.  

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