HSD Welcomes new Premium Partner Guardian360

16 Jun 2016
Author: HSD Foundation

HSD recently signed an agreement with premium partner Guardian360. By signing this agreement Guardian360 is now able to get access to strategic knowledge and public and private collaborations in the fields of information security. In these fields it is key to react adequately to potential threats. Guardian360 works with information security specialists all over the world. Guardian360 is a Dutch company that specialises in the security of IT infrastructures. According to CEO Jan Martijn Broekhof The Hague Security Delta is 'the hotspot' in the area of cyber security. Broekhof: “Our services help customers to secure their IT platforms pragmatically." By joining HSD Broekhof hopes to contribute raising awareness about the importance of information security within the political agendas of board directors.


About Guardian360 

Guardian360 helps clients to protect their IT environments in a pragmatic and effective manner. "We keep a close eye on their IT infrastructures and web applications to keep away malicious users." Guardian360 developed a central security platform which monitors webapplications and IT environments while scanning for vulnerabilities. It charts vulnerabilities in the ISO27001, OWASP or DigiD norm.


Collaborations are essential

Broekhof: "It is our goal to make the internet safer for both people and companies. Collaborations are essential here, to be able to react adequately and adapt to threats. That’s why we also work with specialists from across the world to further develop our services. We’d very much like to come into contact with parties who want to make the internet safer with us!"



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