HSD Launches Safety & Security Trendmonitor

20 Jul 2021
Author: HSD Foundation

Each day, new sources of safety and security information find its way to the web, from reports, blogs and news articles to webinars, podcasts and events. It is hard to keep track and filter what is relevant for you and a lot of work to collect when you need it. HSD Office is committed to make security content more accessible, usable, and actionable. To do so, we recently launched SecurityInsight.nl and today we introduce our new tool: the Trendmonitor. With the launch of this tool, more detailed analyses and insights in safety and security developments are offered.


The Trendmonitor is designed to give an overview of various topics in the safety and security domain, to identify, classify and visualise relevant trends and to make knowledge more accessible. The safety and security domain encompasses a vast number of subjects: from economically related topics, such as fraud, money laundering and corruption, to technologically related topics, such as DDoS-attacks, Artificial Intelligence, and data breaches. To categorise and visualise all these subjects in the Trendmonitor, four taxonomies have been constructed:

  • Type of threat or opportunity: safety and security related threats and opportunities.
  • Source of threat: the sources of a safety and/or security related threat or opportunity.
  • Victim: what kinds of objects and actors can become a victim of a safety and/or security related threat or opportunity.
  • Domain of application: overview of sectors and domains in which the safety and/or security related threat or opportunity is applicable.

Voorbeeld Taxonomievertakking


To illustrate the structure of a taxonomy, a branch of ‘type of threat or opportunity’ is shown in the picture above. One of the main categories of this taxonomy is ‘technological’. Multiple sub-categories, such as ‘network technologies’, ‘hardware & robotics’ and ‘quantum computing’ fall under this main category. In turn, the sub-category ‘network technologies’ can be further delineated in the sub-sub-categories ‘cloud computing & services’, ‘dark web’ and ‘IoT security’. By categorising topics in this manner, a comprehensive overview is created.


Trends extracted from over 170 reports and news items

The content for the Trendmonitor is currently extracted from over 170 reports and HSD news articles published in 2020/21. These sources have been scanned, analysed, and classified according to the four taxonomies. This has resulted in a wide array of observations, which we call ‘Trend Snippets’. By combining multiple Trend Snippets, insights can be developed into safety and security developments most relevant for you. Come back regularly since sources are added weekly. 


Several interns, including Max Kroes, Abel Vroegop, Fee A’mema, Megan Klever, Annemaria van den Bogerd and Esmée Hendriksen, and our Innovation Liaison team contributed to the development of the taxonomy-descriptions and content classifications. If you want to know more about the trend monitoring tool of HSD? Contact innovation liaison Mark Ruijsendaal. You can help us out by keep sharing your insights, publications, and events here


Visit the newly launched Trendmonitor. Beware that the tool needs to be viewed on bigger screens, mobile phones are too small for the visualisation. 


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