Triple Helix Consortia within HSD Work on Innovative Security Solutions for Rembrandtplein

23 Nov 2015
Author: HSD Foundation

On 19 November 2015, the city of Amsterdam together with HSD, invited a group of HSD and DITSS partners to pitch their innovative solutions to improve the safety and security of the Rembrandtplein in triple helix consortia. The pitches were presented to a total of fifty attendees, including civil servants of the City of Amsterdam, citizen representatives, owners of bars and clubs and the National Police. They gave their opinion on the pitches, which are going to be considered by the City of Amsterdam. Finally, the combination of private companies and knowledge institutions with the highest rating solution, will be invited for a follow-up meeting with the project leader of the City of Amsterdam.

This pilot is an initiative by the city of Amsterdam and HSD in cooperation with the police, owners of bars and clubs located at the square and inhabitants of the area to create a safe, secure and pleasant atmosphere at the square. Within this pilot HSD has aligned the demand and supply around real security issue in the city of Amsterdam by creating triple helix consortia.

HSD Partners involved

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