Economic Cyber Security Mission to Japan

31 Aug 2015
Author: HSD Foundation

From 8 to 14 November 2015 a cyber security mission to Japan, which is part of a visit led by Prime-Minister Rutte and Secretary of State Dijksma, will be held. The mission is organised by the RVO, in close cooperation with several other parties, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games present an amazing opportunity for the HSD community to get involved in high level projects in this country. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact Jos Hermsen via 088 602 1078 or


The partnering for cyber resilience is a global, multi-industry, multi-stakeholder necessity to improve cyber resilience, raise business standards and to contribute to a safer and stronger connected society. With that in mind, Japan and the Netherlands started to collaborate to secure these critical infrastructures. As a first step, in December 2013, the Control System Security Center (CSSC) of Japan and HSD Partner the European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS), based in The Hague, signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen collaboration in cyber security for electricity infrastructures. But this is clearly not enough. There is a growing need for collaboration on other critical infrastructures beyond electricity and new cyber security solutions and methods to protect these infrastructures against threats. This programme provides insights in the cyber capabilities of Japan in order to exchange views about future potential of global cyber security collaborations between the Netherlands and Japan.


Registration is open until 4 September 2015. Click here for more information in Dutch.

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