EBPI New HSD Premium Partner

07 Jul 2015
Author: HSD Foundation

We are proud to announce EBPI as Premium Partner of The Hague Security Delta. EBPI has been specialised in Chain Automation since 2006. Their focus is the implementation, improvement, and the management of automated information exchange between businesses. It is a growing company that employs professional that create innovative solutions for their customers and they are ISO27001 and ISO 9001 certified.


EBPI is a recognised leader in building, maintaining, and operating information exchange platforms and services that are both efficient and secure. The Digital Economy is powered by the ability of businesses, government, and public to interact on an informational level. This requires an information exchange mechanism that is easy to access, predictable, and above all secure. EBPI provides the building blocks that allow for secure information exchange. Based on the secure building blocks, the focus can reshift to the initial requirements; what information exchange is needed between multiple bodies.


Getting the requirements and standards right is a world upon itself. EBPI plays an important role with standardisation bodies and clients. You will have to think in terms of Standard Business Reporting (SBR), eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), and the underlying Extensible Markup Language (XML). They have created tooling to develop the taxonomy to build and verify XBRL. Their strength is thus to provide safe information chains that are part of the critical infrastructure for their customers. They also bring a 24-hour operations environment that monitors the flow and detects issue within the chains.


EBPI is looking for partners that can help them improve their business. This can range from technical concepts on how to harden, monitor, and test their environment, how to increase security awareness or how to provide assurance to partners. Where possible they are open to sharing information and setting up test environments to bring concepts in practice.

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