Call SIDN Fonds: Submit your Internet Solution Against the Corona Crisis

10 Apr 2020
Author: HSD Foundation

SIDN Fonds wants to contribute to strong internet solutions that make a substantial contribution to the challenges we are currently facing. With their call 'Internet for Corona', they are looking for initiatives they can invest in. 

They are looking for strong projects from teams that want to tackle the corona crisis using their expertise and knowledge. In particular in the areas of:


Insight & grip on the situation

Initiatives that try to gain insight and grip on what is happening in a responsible manner. With regard to the pandemic itself and how we deal with it. By now collecting good data and knowledge (in a responsible manner), we can respond better. Think of citizen science or other forms of smartly organised, high-quality and responsible (real-time) forms of data collection and data sharing. In combination with the deployment of AI, SIDN Fonds wants to contribute to the mission of knowledge institutes and governments to delay the outbreak and gain a good understanding of the pandemic. Both in the medical field and beyond.


Reliable and secure digital solutions
Solutions that handle data with care and that we can really rely on in terms of privacy and security as we make extensive use of the Internet to work, learn and live at home.


The crisis gives a huge, positive impulse to the digitisation of all kinds of processes that previously took place on location and will probably lead to the fact that all those digital platforms and environments cannot be an integral part of our daily lives after the crisis. We are all now doing what we can and using available resources and platforms that are already there. Fortunately, there are many. However, there is a risk that we will lose sight of other interests, such as security and privacy, by using the very platforms and apps that are not secure or that use our data for various purposes. In the public domain in particular, it is good to take a critical look at this.


The call
The call is open until 30 June 2020 (depending on the circumstances)


Within the call, SIDN Fonds is specifically looking for projects that can make a substantial contribution to the challenges we are currently facing. Think of larger, already tried and tested projects (contributions up to a maximum of 75,000 euros for the further development of an existing proof of concept, promising concepts or results of (scientific) research into useful applications).


In addition, small experiments can also be requested (contributions of up to 10,000 euros) to arrive at a proof of concept, demo, pilot or experimental design.


For conditions and criteria or more general information (in Dutch) click here

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