Call for Presentations One Conference 2020

09 Mar 2020
Author: HSD Foundation

This year’s One Conference will take place on 29 and 30 september at the World Forum in The Hague, Netherlands. The National Cybersecurity Centre, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and the Municipality of The Hague organise the international One Conference 2020.


This conference aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas within the international cyber security community. A wide variety of 1700 people will participate in this event, from (technical) specialists to decision-makers and researchers, from both the private and the public sector.



Researchers, companies and professionals are invited to submit proposals for presentations. Presentations will ultimately be chosen based on relevance to the topics, the maturity of results and relevance to the audience. Deadline for submission is Sunday 26 April 2020.


Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Technical: malware, exploits, monitoring and detection, red teaming, cryptography, ICS, IoT, threat intelligence, DDoS, (big) data analytics, machine learning
  • Law enforcement: cybercrime, cross-border collaboration, forensics, dark web, victimology
  • Research: fundamental research, applied research (completed and ongoing)
  • Innovation: new ideas, future scenarios
  • Governance: legal aspects, public-private partnerships, international cooperation, organizational maturity, coordinated vulnerability disclosure, responsibilities
  • Other: human factor, case studies, best practices, education, economics, information sharing, incident handling


More information about important dates and how to submit your call, click here.


The One Conference is closely following the current developments concerning the corona crisis. Meanwhile, they are exploring alternatives to be able to organise the One Conference in case of an extension of the current measures. An update will be given at the beginning of May.

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