€75 Million Extra Available for Innovation in 2018

28 Feb 2018
Author: HSD Foundation

This week, State Secretary Keijzer of Economic Affairs and Climate informed the House of Representatives about the budget for innovation in 2018, which is €75 million. The innovative strength of SMEs will be supported by €18 million. For example, the budget of Regional SME Innovation Incentives in Leading Sectors (MIT) will be increased to €40 million. More than 4000 Dutch companies have used the MIT in the past four years. Furthermore, €15 million will be invested in promoting cooperation between companies, knowledge institutions and the government and €42 million will be invested in more possibilities for applied research.


State Secretary Keijzer: "SME entrepreneurs have a decisive role when it comes to innovation. We must continue to encourage them to use knowledge from public research. Collaborating entrepreneurs and knowledge institutions therefore receive extra support from the Cabinet in order to expand our strong international position as a knowledge economy. The provision of an increased budget for research and development (R&D) ultimately results in more income and jobs for our entrepreneurs."



SME partners of HSD that have innovative ideas or who are in need of advice, help, or more information about financing, are encouraged to contact the consultants of SME Connect. SME Connect is the helpdesk of The Hague Security Delta for SMEs and entrepreneurs from the security sector looking to grow their businesses or seeking opportunities for innovation.  


For more information, read here (in Dutch).


Photo: Istock.com/Khongtham


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