€3.55 Million Available for SMEs in AiNed MIT AI-Call

18 Mar 2024
Author: HSD Foundation

The nationwide AiNed MIT (Mkb-innovatiestimulering Regio en Topsectoren) AI-call (RVO 2024) to support AI-projects for SMEs is kicking off on 19 March 2024. This MIT-scheme's goal is to stimulate the AI innovation power in the Netherlands, and to accelerate the application of newly developed AI technology. The total grant budget for this call is €3.55 million.


AI applications contribute to economic prosperity, social welfare, and the solution of major societal challenges. An important economic and innovating role in this is played by SMEs, which includes many startups. To bridge the gap between available knowledge and the application of AI innovations, the AiNed MIT AI call is a part of the National Growth Fund programme AiNed.


The MIT-scheme is intended for entrepreneurs that are collaborating with other SMEs to develop products, production processes, and services related to AI. SMEs looking for startups to develop a mutual project proposal can look at the Dutch selection of startups for the European AI Startup Landscape. The Dutch AI Coalition also offers an overview of AI hubs on their website.


The AiNed MIT AI call kicks off on 19 March 2024, and is open for applications until 7 May 2024. 


For more information on the AI call, visit the AiNed webpage

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