€20.000 Available for Projects Stimulating Social Security

20 May 2015
Author: HSD Foundation

As of this month it is possible to register for the Hein Roethof Prize 2015, an initiative of the Centre for Criminality Prevention and Security (CCV). The CCV is looking for Dutch projects or packages of measures which prevent criminality and/or stimulate social security. The registration closes on the 31st of July.


A jury of experts will select three to five nominees. Every nominated project receives €5,000.

The winner will be announced by the minister of Security and Justice, Ard van der Steur, in October in Utrecht, and  receives €20.000 euros to spend on preventing criminality or stimulating social security.


This is a perfect example of how social security innovation in the Netherlands get stimulated by initiatives like the Hein Roethof Prize.


Click here to find out the criteria and register

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