SecureMe2 and National Police Share Cyber Security Advice with SMEs During 'The Hague Inspires'

13 Jun 2024
Author: HSD Foundation

During this years' edition of The Hague Inspires, HSD Partners SecureMe2 and the National Police shared some cybersecurity advice with entrepreneurs during a session organised by Security Delta (HSD). The Hague Inspires is an annual event where the city, the region and the business community come together. This year, a few hundred entrepreneurs gathered on Thursday 13 June at the Fokker Terminal in The Hague to gain inspiration and exchange ideas. 


With the increase in digital opportunities and tools for entrepreneurs doing business is becoming more convenient, but significant risks come with these developments as well. Just as with a break-in, entrepreneurs are responsible for the security of their business. Aad van Boven (SecureMe2) and Barend Frans (Police Netherlands) gave informative presentations in which they explained what it takes to stay digitally secure for entrepreneurs from their unique perspectives. 


SecureMe2 on insights about cybersecurity and help companies to protect themselves from digital threats

HSD-partner SecureMe2 was present during the event and provided an informative presentation. SecureMe2 is an SME that specialises in offering real-time (cyber)protection to entrepeneurs through their Cyberalarm, which gives an immediate alarm in case of a digital break-in. During The Hague Inspires! they shared insights on cybersecurity and how they help companies protect themselves from digital threats.


Aad van Boven, SecureMe2: "You may have nothing to hide, but certainly certain data to protect. Cyber security is a must."


Dutch Police on practical experiences and dove into the risks of cybercrime

The Dutch police actively cooperate with citizens and partners, and have an eye and ear for what is going on in society. In his presentation, Barend Frans shared much of his practical experience and explained the risks of cybercrime in a very accessible way. To this end, he compared cyber intrusions to, among other things, putting locks on the door, explaining how 2FA in the digital world acts as an extra lock.


Barend Frans, Dutch police: "Make it as challenging as you can for hackers; the simplest but most crucial step in this process is two-step verification."


The rest of the event consisted of inspiration sessions and a main programme where ideas and visions of the future on current topics were presented by inspiring speakers. Moreover, the prestigious Pearls of The Hague award was awarded during the event.

This is an award of the municipality of The Hague for companies and individuals who make an exceptional contribution to the economy of The Hague. 'Tuincentrum Ockenburgh' is the winner within the ‘Exceptional contribution’ category. The ‘Impactful Circular Enterprise’ category is new and focuses on companies committed to reusing raw materials. 'Circular Green' won in this category. 


The Hague Inspires! is an initiative of the Economic Board The Hague and is a collaboration between the municipality of The Hague, VNO-NCW, MKB The Hague, Koninklijke Horeca Nederland, Stichting Bedrijven Terreinen Haaglanden, The Hague & Partners and Rabobank.


Schermafbeelding 2024 06 13 om 15.27.11

 Schermafbeelding 2024 06 13 om 15.32.34

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