International NCSC One Conference
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-NL) contributes to increasing resilience of the digital domain in Dutch society in collaboration with the private sector, the government, and academia. We have a vital supportive function in society, providing central government and critical infrastructure with expertise and advice, responding to cyber threats and acting to strengthen crisis management.
Leading experts, inspiring program, exchanging ideas and networking Once again you will be inspired by an interesting and diverse program that offers something of interest to a wide variety of participants from private sectors, public sectors and academia. It will appeal to a broad audience, from technical specialists and decision makers to policy makers and researchers. In plenary sessions and parallel tracks, leading experts and inspiring speakers will present a variety of topics. Technical subjects such as malware and monitoring, less technical subjects about organizational aspects of security and privacy, cybercrime and incident response cases, strategy & policy and public-private partnerships are amongst the topics you can choose from. Needless to say, you will have the opportunity to network with national and international speakers and participants.
Unique connection with the Global Conference on Cyber Space 2015 This time the ONE conference is organized in close cooperation with the Global Conference on Cyber Space (GCCS 2015), held at the same venue on April 16 and 17, 2015. The GCCS is a strategically positioned conference where high representatives from governments, private sector and civil society will gather in order to promote practical cooperation in cyberspace, to enhance cyber capacity building, and to discuss norms for responsible behavior in cyberspace. The connection between the ONE conference and GCCS 2015 provides unique opportunities to positively influence cyber security on a global scale.