Den Haag Inspireert!

13 June 2024
13:15h - 18:30h
Fokker Terminal Binckhorstlaan 249, 2516 BB Den Haag
Organised by:
Gemeente Den Haag / Municipality the Hague

The Hague Inspires! is the annual event where the city, the region and the business community together look to the future. This year's event will take place on Thursday 13 June 2024 at the Fokker Terminal, Binckhorstlaan 249, in The Hague. The day will be moderated by Jörgen Raymann.


The event focuses on various themes, stimulating visitors to new ideas. There is also a focus on making new contacts, cooperation and stimulating overall entrepreneurship. Security Delta (HSD) will host a session for entrepreneurs from The Hague during the event.


The Hague Inspires! is an initiative of the Economic Board The Hague and is a collaboration between the municipality of The Hague, VNO-NCW, MKB The Hague, Koninklijke Horeca Nederland, Stichting Bedrijven Terreinen Haaglanden, The Hague & Partners and Rabobank.


The event consists of inspiration sessions and a main programme of short 'seven-minute talks', where ideas and visions of the future on current topics are presented by inspiring speakers. The prestigious Pearls of The Hague will also be awarded during the event. This is an award of the municipality of The Hague for companies and individuals who make an exceptional contribution to the economy of The Hague. It shows that as a municipality, we are proud of our entrepreneurs in the city.


At the end of the afternoon, informal drinks and a networking quiz will take place. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to make new contacts, encourage cooperation and promote overarching entrepreneurship.


Source: Gemeente Den Haag

HSD Partners involved