HSD Café : Strategic Alerting – Future Security Threats
The Hague Security Delta would like to invite you to its upcoming HSD Café on Strategic Alerting - Future Security Threats. Europe faces an array of security threats. On our eastern border, tensions with Russia are increasing. Conflicts in the Middle East have shown up on our doorstep. Our security environment is becoming more and more complex, as internal and external security are increasingly overlapping. This is perhaps best illustrated by the Syrian conflict affecting national security of other nation states, including its direct neighbours and European states, such as The Netherlands and France.
In this uncertain and complex environment, traditional methods of analysis seem no longer sufficient. Technological improvement provides us with new means of monitoring, allowing us to systematically analyse a much greater range of (international) events to strengthen decision-making. By further enhancing our capability to monitor these events, Defense and Security Organisations are enabled to generate a comprehensive inventory of future security challenges foreseen around the world.
During this HSD Café we will discuss these various elements of strategic alerting in international security. What exactly does it encompass? How does it affect Defense and Security Organisations? And to what extent will we be able to generate such an inventory of future security challenges? We have invited two senior experts, representing different branches of the triple helix, and asked them to share their knowledge and expertise on this specific subject.
The HSD Café is set up as follows:
From 15:30h until 16:00h registration-procedure. Please make sure you arrive on time, as we would like to start at 16:00h.
From 16:00h until 16:30h, the following experts will share their insights on the matter through brief presentations:
Tim Sweijs (Sr. Strategist, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies) will elaborate on strategic alerting in international security.
Jan Willem Glashouwer (Sr. Policy Advisor, Ministry of Defense) will discuss the challenges the MoD is facing in today’s international environment.
At 16:30h, the brief presentations will be followed by a discussion, in which the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions and share their views.
From 17:00h onwards, the bar is open for drinks and there will be ample opportunity to network.
The HSD Cafés provide an excellent opportunity to meet (potential) business partners, bring along your contacts, expand your knowledge, and shape the debate on key security issues of the future. Tell us what you think. Let your voice count, expand your network, and join the debate.