HSD Café: Observation Techniques of Deviant Behavior
In recent years, a plethora of innovations have emerged to spot deviant behavior in crowds that may indicate imminent threats ranging from petty crimes (e.g. shoplifting) to terrorist attacks. During this session, we will dive into the newest observation techniques. We look at the opportunities that these techniques offer, discuss the ethical and technical limitations, and we investigate the extent to which observation can be automated or if the 'human component' to assess what is deviant and potentially dangerous is an absolute necessity. Which considerations should be made in deciding which observation technique (or a combination thereof) should be used? How do these techniques affect our privacy and civil liberties? These issues will be addressed in three short presentations and a panel discussion.
The HSD Café is set up as follows:
From 16:00 until 16:20, three experts share their insights on the matter through brief presentations:
- Dr. Rick van der Kleij (TNO) will discuss current trends in human observation techniques
- Mr. Quinten Mandjes (SDR Academy) will present on the Search React Detect method
- Dr. Henri Bouma (TNO) will present on the Automatic Detection of pickpockets and suspicious behavior in crowded spaces
- Dr. Anke van Gorp (Hogeschool Utrecht) will discuss the ethical and societal implications of using these detection methods
At 16:20 the four brief presentations will be followed by a discussion during which questions can be answered.
From 17.00 onwards the bar is open for drinks and there will be ample opportunity to network.
16.00-17.00 Presentation and Discussion
17.00-17.45 Drinks and networking
About the HSD Café
The HSD Cafés are organised for HSD partners ánd those interested on every first and third Thursday of each month (except on public holidays). From cyber security, drones to critical infrastructure, 20 sessions will be organised around security topics relevant for businesses, governments, and knowledge institutions. In the first hour (16.00-17.00) of each HSD Café, experts will briefly present a security topic, dilemma, or innovation, followed by an informal discussion.
The second part of the HSD Café (17.00-17.45) will consist of drinks and a possibility to network. The HSD Cafés provide an excellent opportunity to meet (potential) business partners, bring along your contacts, expand your knowledge, and shape the debate on key security issues of the future. Tell us what you think. Let your voice count, expand your network, and join the debate!
Unfortunately there is no parking available underneath the HSD Campus. From 14.00h. you can park for free in the neighbourhood.