Cybersecurity 360 Programme

15 October 2018
San Francisco Bay Area, California (US) and in Munich, Germany (Europe)
Organised by:
EIT Digital

An international joint programme by EIT Digital and UC Berkeley Executive Education. 

Taking place in the San Francisco Bay Area, California (US) and in Munich, Germany (Europe)

US module: 1 - 5 October

Europe module: 15-19 October


Make your business cyber-resilient: optimise prevention and react fast!


Gain the cutting-edge cybersecurity awareness necessary for your effective management decisions using the best US and European approaches shared by experts.


Cyber-attacks. Potential business impact. Risk assessment. Human factors. Cybersecurity management. Privacy regulations. Cybersecurity is no longer a technology-only issue. It affects almost all functions in your organisation.


Attend this program to explore the US and European tech champion approaches to evaluate and face these threats. In this programme designed for senior management, our experts will share with you industry best practices through lectures, business cases, and company visits.

The US Module, delivered by UC Berkeley Executive Education focuses, on the cybersecurity for online, platform, and cloud services. Topics include:

  • Corporate cybersecurity
  • Topics in cybersecurity for specific technical systems
  • Social engineering techniques
  • Cybersecurity risk and liability
  • Data privacy and security

The European Module, delivered by EIT Digital, focuses on network, manufacturing, and hardware. Topics include:

  • Cybersecurity in Industry 4.0
  • Network security
  • Security in IoT
  • GDPR: Compliance, enforcement and consequences
  • Cybersecurity governance and management
  • Technological threats



  • Learn about different types of cyber-attacks and the risks they pose to your organization
  • Understand fundamental cybersecurity principles and their application to key technical systems
  • Explore topics in cybersecurity governance and management that are critical to your business
  • Examine how to improve cybersecurity in your organization
  • Consider how leading European and US tech companies prepare for and manage cybersecurity challenges and data privacy
  • Connect with peers and experts



If you manage teams or units involving technologies, you must be aware of what cybersecurity implies. Be it for prevention or for reaction to attacks, you need to understand what is at stake.

This program is for those in top management positions, involved with Product Development, Marketing, Legal, Communication, HR or IT.

  • Professionals of companies with significant IT-related activities
  • Managers responsible for cyber- resilience of products and processes (IT, R&D, Communications, Legal, etc.)
  • Sales professionals for suppliers of cybersecurity solutions
  • Public officials responsible for the cybersecurity of their organisations


pdfView the flyer
