Border Sessions 2014 (International Technology Festival)

12 November 2014 - 13 November 2014
09:30h - 18:00h
Nationaal Toneelgebouw and Lange Voorhout The Hague
Organised by:
Border Sessions, Medical Delta, InnovationQuarter, HSD, The Hague and Zuidvleugel.

Border Sessions
Border Sessions is a two-day international technology festival. The programme is multi-disciplinary and features presentations of new technologies, creative ideas and scenarios for the future with a special focus on the themes: Security, Space, Health, Food, Internet and Cities. The festival brings speakers, authors, scientists, designers, artists and engineers from around the world to The Hague to exchange knowledge about these themes and to find inspiration. On you will find the latest information on the complete program.


50 Free Day Tickets for HSD Network Partners

As official partner of Border Sessions, HSD is pleased to give away 50 free tickets (worth 53 euros) for the 2nd day of the festival on 13 November 2014.

To qualify for a free ticket please sign up through the register button above and provide us with a short motivation in the comments box.