Big Data Analytics for Cyber Situational Awareness

26 January 2015
12:00h - 17:30h
EEMCS Faculty – TU Delft Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD Delft
Organised by:
Delft Data Science, Delft Cyber Security Initiative

Gerald Friedland from the International Computer Science Institute, will be the key note speaker with a talk about  non-profit research laboratory affiliated with the University of California, Berkeley Content-based Privacy for Consumer-Produced Multimedia. Current and future advances in internet scale multimedia analytics, global inference, and linking can circumvent traditional security and privacy barriers. Friedland presents the privacy risks, attack vectors, details for a preliminary experiment on account linking, and describe mitigation and educational techniques that will help address the issues. 

Sicco Verwer, Zekerya Erkin, Christian Doerr and Pieter Burghouwt will provide you with an exclusive opportunity to learn more about Security and Privacy in Big Data, hacking, botnets, privacy enhancing technology, and much more in their Masterclasses. 

Martijn Spitters from TNO will give a talk about the research at the institute on Anonymizing Darknets. With Tor as one of the most well-known example, darknets find increasing interest of users who for some reason wish to stay anonymous when online. Where anonymity can be a vehicle for whistle-blowers and political dissidents to exchange information, the reverse of the medal is that it also attracts malicious actors. The main goals of TNO's Dark Web research are to develop a detailed understanding of what exactly darknets are being used for, to provide a representative and up-to-date model of their thematic organization and linguistic diversity, and to investigate the practical usefulness of such a model. 

The day will end with a panel discussion where expertise and current developments are brought together, with important stakeholders in the field such as Fox-IT and Deloitte. You will get the opportunity to interactively participate in the debate.