HSD Campus
Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 104
2595 AN Den Haag
X-Systems is from origin a Dutch company that develops soft- and hardware for a high-security environment, with as slogan, “For Professionals, better safe than sorry”, specialized in Secure Mobile IoT solutions.
We provide mobile security solutions to organizations where secure wireless (data) communication is required or even a must. Data and information that was previously stored on computers is increasingly moving over to be stored on mobile devices. An average mobile device usually contains addresses, e-mails, organizational accounts, personal identities, notes from meetings and information about the user’s whereabouts. This can give a major security risk if anything goes wrong.
We are specialized in solving issues before they can become a mobile security and privacy threat. Providing software and hardware solutions for; improper session handling, data leakage, vulnerable applications, drive-by downloads, unsecured connections, network spoofing, browser exploits, phishing attacks, spyware, adware, broken cryptography and lack of mobile device policies.