Kors Monster
Jollemanhof 12, 1019 GW Amsterdam

ICTRecht is a full-service consultancy firm, specialised in internet, ICT, privacy and information security. With a team of more than 60 specialists, we provide organisations with expert and practical advice, from our offices in Amsterdam, Groningen and Brussels. From start-up to multinational and from government agency to healthcare institution. We are flexible, creative and proactive. ICTRecht Security is a separate business division with a dedicated focus on information security.


Our vision on information security 

Technological innovation develops at lightning speed. We have never had more data than we have now. As a result, both the possibilities and the risks increase. Organisations are largely dependent on their information and information systems for their business operations: if information is not available, is incorrect or falls into wrong hands, considerable damage can occur and the continuity of business operations can be jeopardised. 

It is therefore not surprising that the society, but also legislators, regulators and other stakeholders, are setting increasingly higher requirements when it comes to the security of information (privacy-sensitive or not). However, information security is not an end in itself - it serves the organisation, its operations and its stakeholders. 

It is impossible - and undesirable - to reduce all information security risks to zero. What matters is that organisations are in control of their data and IT landscape, that conscious and well-considered choices are made when it comes to their security. Not unimportant: it must also be possible to account for this. This is possible by structuring information security not only technically, but also organisationally and process-wise. 


In short: information security is about finding a balance. This is not a one-off exercise, but a continuous process in which the entire organisation must be involved. We are happy to support your organisation with this.