ICSSS 2022: Confirmed Partners and Schedule

25 Mar 2022
Author: HSD Foundation

 The 2022 International Cyber Security Summer School promises to be an exciting week for Master/PhD students and young professionals looking to deepen their insight into cybersecurity. From Sunday, August 21st to Friday, August 26th we will be diving into the world of cybersecurity from all angles. We are excited to announce the partners that will be contributing this year and the topics we will be covering. Combined, they will form a truly unique program that covers policy, legal, and technical aspects of cybersecurity.


Confirmed partners and topics

While HSD is the main organizer of the ICSSS, the Summer School is truly made by the contributing partners. This year, we are excited to announce new contributors, as well as those that have been with us since the first summer school in 2015.


Our contributing partners this year are:

  • NATO C&I Agency, who will include the topic of Artificial intelligence in their challenge.
  • Europol EC3
  • Universiteit Leiden, who will provide a challenge on cybersecurity & human rights by Dr. Els de Busser and a lecture by Dr. Bibi van den Berg. 
  • Accenture Security
  • Deloitte
  • Chapter8, who will talk about defending against digital attacks by nation state actors, based on war stories from their daily practice. 
  • Connect2trust who will further expand on their research into digital risk and the snapshot of the cybersecurity landscape in the Netherlands compared to other countries.
  • De Nederlandsche Bank, who can tell us more about their Threat Intelligence Based Ethical Red teaming (TIBER) program and the financial-sector approach to cybersecurity.
  • SignPost Six, who will teach about insider risk and cyber risk quantification
  • EclecticIQ, a leading expert on cyber threat intelligence
  • Secura, who will be focusing on ransomware resilience


More partners may be confirmed soon, if you would like to stay up to date on this, make sure to follow the ICSSS on LinkedInTwitter, and Instagram.


The ICSSS 2022 Schedule 

Like every year, the 2022 Summer School will have a good balance between interesting lectures, visits to the contributing partners, working on the challenging assignments, and fun social and networking events.


While we are still working hard on finalizing the schedule with all contributing partners, please find our preliminary schedule here. Be aware that this schedule is still subject to change and adjustments;


  • Sunday August 21st

Morning: Keynote speech and introduction to the ICSSS

Afternoon:  Briefing of the challenges

Late afternoon/ Evening: Social/ice-breaker activity


  • Monday August 22nd:

Morning: Lecture by Signpost Six and Leiden University

Afternoon: Lecture by Chapter8 and work on challenges

Late afternoon/ Evening: Free


  • Tuesday August 23rd:

Morning: Partner visit and contribution in Amsterdam TBC

Afternoon: Partner visit and contribution in Amsterdam TBC

Late afternoon/ Evening: Drinks and networking


  • Wednesday August 24th:

Morning: Partner visit and contribution in the Hague TBC

Afternoon: Lecture Connect2trust and HR-Event 

Late afternoon/ Evening: HR-Event after drinks and networking


  • Thursday August 25th:

Morning: Pitch guidance by Peter Zinn & lecture TBC

Afternoon: Lecture by Secura & work on challenges

Late afternoon/ Evening: Drinks and networking at Connect2trust event including ICSSS Alumni


  • Friday August 26th:

Morning: Partner contribution TBC

Afternoon: Final lecture TBC and presentations of challenges in Amsterdam venue

Late afternoon/ Evening:  Final drinks



Interested? Apply now!

Does this program sound interesting to you? Applications are open until April 10th, apply now via https://summerschoolcybersecurity.org/registration/




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