Ubiqu Starts Innovation Programme with US Department of Homeland Security on Secure Digital Identity

24 May 2024
Author: HSD Foundation

On 23 May, Ubiqu has announced that they will be working with the US Department of Homeland Security. It concerns a the two-year innovation programme, where six companies will each receive $1.7 million to help develop a system for a secure American digital identity.


Goranov: "Americans are looking for an app for their mobile phone that is open source, and at the same time must be as secure as that chip on a passport. Everyone is building that kind of thing right now, but always together with the US tech giants - who also make the mobile phones. We are decoupling that. And even the US government does find that independence interesting."


Read interview with Boris Goranov (CEO) and Guus Stigter (CCO) in the NRC (in Dutch), here.


Photo: Istock.com/Kitinut

Source: NRC

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