NWO Call: Subversive Crime

09 Feb 2022
Author: HSD Foundation

Participate in the NWO Call: Subversive crime from De Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek!  


Subversive crime has a disruptive effect on social and economic structures. Interdisciplinary public-private consortia in the field of subversive crime are invited to apply for funding to collaborate in research. The upcoming public-private consortia will develop knowledge on subversive criminal phenomena, systems, networks and modus operandi. Specific research regarding the foundations, motivations, mechanisms and structures is needed. This knowledge will lead to development of new perspectives on action, intervention, instruments of technology and operation techniques.

For whom?

The main applicant and one or more co-applicants will submit the pre-applications and completed applications. An application is prepared by a consortium, who also involves the participants and other applicants. A consortium always consists of two or more co-funders and can be possibly amplified by one or more cooperation partners.


For an application in this Call for proposals, a minimum of € 637,500 and maximum of €3,400,000 can be applied for in NWO funding. This means that the NWO will finance the scale of this project with a maximum of 85%; the remaining budget will be contributed towards compulsory co-financing (see section 3.5.5). In no circumstances NWO finances less than 50% of the total project scale. 

The following modules can be requested for this call:

  • Personnel expenses;
  • Material expenses;
  • Investments;
  • Knowledge utilisation;
  • Internationalisation; 
  • Money follows Cooperation;
  • Project management

The maximum duration of this proposed project is 6 years.


The deadline to submit pre-applications is April 21st, 2022, 14:00:00 CET.

The deadline to submit completed applications is October 6th, 2022, 14:00:00 CET.


The assessment of the submitted applications for this Call are based on the following criteria:

  1. Problem definition and analysis, contribution to solution
  2. Expected impact and route to impact
  3. Quality consortium 
  4. Quality research


Pre-applications are assessed by the assessment committee. For each pre-application, the assessment committee will give a non-binding advice which will be positive or negative.

The assessment of full applications will be done by members of the assessment committee, they will assess each proposal individually. From there on, the highest prioritized consortia will receive an invitation for the following interview. 

The assessment committee will present its advice for decision-making to the NWO executive board. The board of directors will adopt the final assessment of applications in January 2023. 


Matchmaking event February 15

NWO is inviting experts for an online matchmaking event on Tuesday February 15th. This event is intended for researchers to give form to their initiatives and to find the necessary co-applicants for their research. For more information and to apply for this event, click here.


More information

If you have questions regarding this Call for proposals, please contact KIC-Security2021@NWO.nl  or by phone Mr. Frans van der Wel (+31 30 600 12 86 or +31 6 83 30 26 71) 

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