HCLTech Launches Whitepaper on Cybersecurity Management & Cyber Resilience in Financial Services

09 Dec 2022
Author: HSD Foundation

On Thursday, 8 December 2022 HCLTech launched its whitepaper during the HSD CISO Symposium at the HSD Campus in The Hague. The annual symposium was organised for the second time and had several interactive presentations to help CISOs/CIOs get the information and resources that allow them to look further and deeper into cybersecurity risks and capture the progress of their cybersecurity management efforts. Another aim of the symposium was to get the first input to create an even more beneficial community of cybersecurity peers from 2023!


The authors of the whitepaper, Dr. Martijn Dekker, Chief Information Security Officer, ABN AMRO, and Dr. Elif Kiesow Cortez, Research Fellow, Stanford University, were speakers at the symposium. They talked about the importance of Cybersecurity Management and Cyber Resilience in Financial Services.


In addition to their keynote, they presented the findings of the whitepaper, which is based on insights gathered from the interviews of 12 CISOs/CSOs of leading financial services institutions. It involved participants reflecting on experiences of cybersecurity management and implementing best practices.           


The whitepaper encapsulates the following:


  • Cyber threat trends and the threat landscape in financial services sector
  • Impact of new cyber threats on cybersecurity leadership
  • Steps taken to mitigate cybersecurity risks and improve resilience
  • The future course of action decided by cybersecurity management


Interested to learn more about the whitepaper from HCLTech?


Please read the whitepaper here!

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