'CW Greenport on Tour': Crisis Exercise at Avéro Achmea

28 Sep 2023
Author: HSD Foundation

On 27 September, the Cyber Resilience Center Greenport organised a cyber crisis exercise for horticultural advisors from Achmea-Avero in Leiden. The exercise was given by Emma Bicknese and and Demi Oomen (HSD/CW Greenport) and organised by Bart Stengs (Achmea). 


During the crisis exercise, participants formed a strategic crisis team of a fictitious, medium-sized and high-tech family business with 100 years of experience in the field of breeding, cultivation and export of fruit and vegetables in greenhouse horticulture. The strategic crisis team received the message that the company's IT systems may have been hacked. The participants had to make the right decisions, partly based on new information and obstacles.


The aim of the crisis exercise is to make participants aware of the drastic decisions that need to be made and of the consequences for business operations, privacy and crisis communication associated with a cyber attack. The participants of Achmea got a better view of the risks and how to handle in case of a cyber attack. They can use this knowledge & practicle tools in contact with their clients in the horticultural sector.


Crisis exercises are part of the awareness campaign for cybersecurity in the horticulture cluster and are partly made possible by MRDH, programme 'Sectoraal Digitaal Veilig'.



The Cyber Resilience Centre Greenport aims to ensure a digitally secure horticulture cluster. It is an initiative by Delphy, Dutch Fresh Port, Royal FloraHolland, Glastuinbouw Nederland, Greenport West-Holland, GroentenFruit Huis, Hoogendoorn Automatisering, Interpolis-Achmea, Security Delta (HSD), the Digital Trust Center, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Provincie Zuid-Holland and the city of The Hague (Kansen voor West II).


Do you want more information about the Cyber Resilience Center Greenport, or do you want to get started on your cybersecurity and become a participant? Contact us on https://cwgreenport.nl/!


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