ELSA Labs Publishes AI Magazine

11 Oct 2023
Author: HSD Foundation

The massive impact of AI as a system technology on people and society comes with a very special responsibility. That is why, since 2019, the Dutch AI Coalition (NLAIC) has been encouraging and developing the concept of the ELSA Lab. To show the development and progress of the six ELSA Labs and inform an interactive magazine has been launched.


ELSA Labs explore the Ethical, Legal, and Societal aspects (ELSA) of AI and aim to identify potential risks and benefits associated with the development and deployment of AI. The idea behind the ELSA Labs is to have a citizen science approach to human-centric innovation, which will contribute to the solution of wicked societal problems.


In 2021, six ELSA Labs were given funding, of which two of them HSD contributed to (ELSA Lab Defence & ELSA Lab AI MAPS).  Now, two years into the funding period, it is time to reflect on the journey that ELSA Labs are making.


This magazine was created to show the development of the six ELSA Labs and inform about the progress. Enjoy this interactive magazine and learn more about the interesting journey of the ELSA Labs!


Interested in the two ELSA Labs that Security Delta contributed to? Check ELSA Labs Defence &  AI Maps

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