Image Recognition and Remote Sensing Applications in the Living Environment Needed in Living Labs

08 Jul 2022
Author: HSD Foundation

The Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) is challenging entrepreneurs to come up with Artificial Intelligence (AI) based applications for image recognition and remote sensing in the living environment. The final innovation must be able to be purchased by a contracting authority. In phase 2 of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), selected innovations must be tested in a public living lab.  


Application of AI in the physical domain

Recent research by TNO shows that many AI solutions are being developed for the physical domain. Both for area development, spatial policy and monitoring and enforcement in public space. An important development in the physical domain is the use of AI to process and analyse imagery obtained through remote sensing (sensing on the ground, with drones and satellites).


Buyer Group AI Image Recognition with Drones

The Buyer Group AI image recognition with drones translates shared needs into a shared market vision and strategy. In preparation for this, the Buyer Group recently organised a market consultation. The results of the market consultation will soon be shared via TenderNed and


SBIR: concretely useful applications

With the SBIR, the Ministry of the Interior is giving an extra boost to the development of AI applications in the physical domain. The Ministry is looking for concrete usable applications, which will be used by (semi-) public organisations.


On the one hand, it is about solving issues related to the design of the living environment. Think for example of solutions for spatial planning, for the development of climate neutral cities or for monitoring and enforcement in the physical space. On the other hand, it is about solutions that make imagery with remote sensing accessible and promote data exchange and transparency.  

Testing at public organisations


The government is a potential (but not exclusive) purchaser of the innovations in this SBIR. In phase 2, the selected innovations must be tested in a public living lab. Is your organisation interested in serving as a living lab? Or would you like to know more about this, send an email to the SBIR department of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO).


At the end of August RVO is organising an information meeting about this SBIR, for both entrepreneurs and interested contracting authorities.


Source: The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) (in Dutch)


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