United Nations International Criminal Tribunal Security Service Showcase
We would like to invite you and or management representatives from your organisation to attend a skills showcase of our Security and Safety Section which will take place on the 8th of May 2015.
You may be aware of the successful completion of the UN ICTY’s mandate and as we progress to closing the organisation our staff will be available for other employment opportunities.
We have ascertained that most potential employers are not aware of the specialised nature of the work carried out by UN Security Officers and in order to outreach these skills we have arranged this unique opportunity for organisations both public and private sector to visit the UN court, see the behind the scenes work that the Security Section does and meet directly with the officers in a reception held after the presentations and tour.
We very much hope you and or colleagues can make the most of this opportunity of direct access to our Security and Safety talent pool.
Places can be reserved for this event by emailing CareerTransitionOffice@icty.org
Below is the event programme
13:45 hrs: Arrival of Recruiters in the Lobby to be welcomed by Career Transition Office.
14:00 hrs: Start of presentation by Chief of Security.
14:50 hrs: Presentation First Aid scenario.
15:00 hrs: Start tour of the Court building.
15:10 hrs: Main entrance: I.E.D. scenario.
15:25 hrs: Security Control Center: Fire & Safety demo Fire Panel.
15:40 hrs: Tour inside Court Room and (Control & Restrain scenario).
15:55 hrs: Drinks reception to meet Security and Safety talent.