The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Security

09 October 2018
13:00h - 16:00h
KPN Headquarters, Wilhelminakade 123, Rotterdam, Auditorium
Organised by:

Alert Online, the annual cybersecurity awareness campaign to make the Netherlands more aware and secure online, will take place in the ‘cybersecurity month of October’ from 1 to 12 October 2018.


From voice-powered personal assistants like Siri and Alexa, to more underlying and fundamental technologies such as behavioural algorithms and autonomously-powered self-driving vehicles, there are several examples and applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in use today.


AI is already helping the security domain with, for example, spam filters. On the other hand, experts warn us for the risks of AI. Most researchers agree that phishing scams could get even worse, AI could make weapons more destructive and fake news and propaganda is only going to increase.


What will be the impact of Artificial Intelligence on security?



12:30               Registration, coffee and tea

13:00               Opening by Joost Farwerck and Jaya Baloo

13:15               Keynote 1 – Ibo van de Poel, TU Delft

14:00               Keynote 2 – Mikko Hypponen, Chief Research Officer F- 


15:00               Panel discussion

                        Moderator: Tijs van Lieshout – Manging Director VRMWB

                        Gerard Smit – Chief Technology Officer Benelux IBM

                        Bob de Wit – Professor Nyenrode Business University

                        Jelle van Haaster – Dutch Ministry of Defence 

                        Matthijs Pontier – Piratenpartij

16:00               Drinks   


Link to the livestream: 

HSD Partners involved