Cyber Security MeetUp

15 May 2019
08:30h - 19:00h
Organised by:
Isreal Ambassy, Ministry of Economy and Insdustry

Cyber Security MeetUp
New threats – modern solutions made in Israel
Location: Amsterdam
Date: 15 May 2019, Time: 8:30-19:00


Israel is a cyber security superpower. The Israeli cyber security industry is recognized as a hotbed for innovative solutions. Home to more than 400 active cyber security companies, Israel is pioneering cyber innovations for an ever-more connected world.

Threats in the cyber sphere not only pose significant homeland security risks, but also the growing connectivity of physical infrastructure and the online sphere highlight the inextricable link between physical security and cyber security.


Israel has built an impressive innovation infrastructure for meeting these modern challenges head-on. Israel’s academic institutions, along with highly sophisticated bodies like the IDF’s elite Unit 8200, and others are playing a key role in achieving these cutting-edge accomplishments. It is this foresight and perceptiveness that has fueled Israeli innovation and ingenuity – and which will help keep our world a safer place for years to come.

The Economic and Trade Mission at The Israel Embassy in The Netherlands, together with the Israel Export Institute and The Israel National Cyber Directorate in cooperation with KPMG and the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KvK) are organizing a MeetUp B2B event.


Concept of the event:

  • After reviewing the information of the selected Israeli companies given in the below overview, kindly indicate with which companies you would like to have individual meetings. 
  • Please enter the names of the Israeli companies you wish to meet in the registration form.
  • We will provide you with a personalized meeting schedule.

08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-10:30 Welcome & Keynote Speech by expert of Israel Cyber Directorate
10:30-11:00 Coffee & Networking break
11:00-18:00 B2B meetings (Pre-arranged meetings; meeting length: 30 min/meeting).
18:00 Israeli style reception


Interested to participate? 

Send an e-mail to and we will provide you with all necessary information in order to register (registration form, Israeli company overview).


For more information or to sign up, visit the website