Place Paul Borde 13790 Rousset

World Competitiveness Cluster SCS (Secure Communicating Solutions) has a genuine ambition: to become the leading and recognized player in the field of Secured Communicating Solutions  by covering the entire ICTs value chain, from silicon to end uses.

  • Microelectronics
  • Telecommunications
  • Software

It will do this based on focused, differentiating Smart Specialization Areas (SSAs): contactless technology; networks, M2M & mobile services; digital security & identities


For the benefit of high-growth markets: Health, Pharmaceutical, Trade, Mass-market retailing, Transport & Logistics, Banking, Insurance, Financial institutions, Environment, Recycling, Consumer Electronics, Administration, Energy, Smart Grids, Smart Meters, and so on.


SCS Cluster missions:

To consolidate our leadership in the areas covered by the SCS Cluster by drawing on the breadth of our business lines. 

  • Developing innovative and competitive R&D projects 
  • Contributing to the development of SMEs 
  • Helping to create an ecosystem suited to the regional development of ICTs