Security Startup RedSocks Receives €2.7 Million Through Investment Round

05 Jul 2016
Author: HSD Foundation

RedSocks Security, cyber security corporation headquartered in The Hague and partner of HSD, today announces that it will continue to focus on the international market. In order to realise an increased pace, RedSocks Security raised €2.7 million in a new financing round from a group of private-equity investors.


“There is an increasing demand in and outside Europe for our advanced cyber security solution. The additional financing enables us to invest in our product development and intensify our marketing efforts which will allow us to expand internationally”, says Floris van den Broek, CEO RedSocks Security. The group of investors consists of a Dutch and Belgian investment company and 'several individuals from the security branche'. Van den Broek aims at expanding in China and Japan. At this moment the company is active in more than 10 countries, The Netherlands being their number one market.


For the official press release, click here. 




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