SBIR-call: Autonomous Threat Information Sharing

18 Apr 2024
Author: HSD Foundation

Do you want to contribute to a more cyber resilient and future-proof Netherlands? The SBIR call is now open! Based on the objectives of the Netherlands Cybersecurity Strategy and the CS4NL programme, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy challenges entrepreneurs to develop innovative products and services that make autonomous sharing of digital threat information possible. You can submit your tender until 29 May 2024.

Threat information sharing is centred on the appropriate and timely exchange of cyber threat intelligence as well as viewpoints for responding to it. In this SBIR-call, companies are invited to develop innovative products and services that make autonomous and proactive information sharing between companies and government parties on cybersecurity threats possible in a concrete and actionable way.  


Netherlands Cybersecurity Strategy (NLCS) 2022-2028 
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy challenges entrepreneurs to develop new products and services to achieve the innovation goals of the NLCS 2022-2028. From this strategy, the cooperation platform Dcypher was designated to stimulate innovative product and service development between knowledge institutes and industry via thematic roadmaps and communities. Through dcypher’s widely supported programme ‘CS4NL’, the theme for this SBIR-call was co-created. The themes and activities covered by NLCS focus on complex cybersecurity challenges, such as:

  • Making vital infrastructures more resilient to digital attacks.
  • Earlier recognition of vulnerabilities in software and hardware. 
  • Future-proofing encryption techniques.
  • Strengthening cybersecurity skills.  


A budget of up to 1.5 million euros is available (all amounts include VAT). 

  • For phase 1, a budget of €400,000 is available for conducting feasibility studies.
    The maximum amount per project is €30,000.
  • For phase 2, a budget of 1.1 million euros is available for innovation
    development. The maximum amount per project is €200,000.

Important dates

  • Information session at RVO: 1 May 2024, 13:45 - 16:30 CEST
  • Submission closure: 29 May 2024, 17:00 CEST
  • Commissioning phase 1: 5 July 2024


More information?

Click here, for more information about the conditions and how to submit your tender (in Dutch). Do you have any questions about this SBIR call? Please send an email to  


Source: Dcypher & RVO



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