Registration International Cyber Security Summer School 2016 Now Open

12 Apr 2016
Author: HSD Foundation

As of today registration for the second edition of the International Cyber Security Summer School (ICSSS) is open. The summerschool is organised by HSD, NATO NCI Agency and Europol and will be held from 21-26 August 2016 at the HSD Campus. The course educates a carefully selected group of students on cyber security for international organisations, to help prepare future young professionals for the challenges of cyber security in these complex environments.


ICSSS 2016

This year’s edition will allow 50 students and young professionals to participate in a five-day programme, which will cover various aspects of cyber security. During this summer school, its 'students' will learn about the latest developments and the cutting edge cyber security features that exist today and will meet international experts from this field. In addition to lectures from NATO NCI Agency and Europol, students will also receive lectures from national and international organisations, such as Eurojust, the Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE), the National Cyber Security Centre, and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute.


More information on the programme, the candidate profiles, and tuition fees can be found on the official ICSSS website.



For more information about the Cyber Security Summer School of 2015, click here.

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