Call for Participation: Global Stars

01 Jul 2020
Author: HSD Foundation

Singapore and The Netherlands, together with Austria, Belgium (Flanders Region), Canada, Estonia, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and the UK have announced a GlobalStars call for joint R&D projects on all thematic areas.


Applicants are invited to submit proposals for collaborative industry-led R&D projects in any technological field addressing a societal challenge or need, leading to innovative, affordable and marketable solutions. Deadline for submission of the proposals is 15 October 2020 at 17:00 CET.


This call invites collaborative research and innovation projects in all thematic areas. The Netherlands in particular welcomes collaborative projects in the fields of:

  • Digital technologies
  • Circular economy
  • Climate adaptation
  • Agrifood technologies


Enterprise Singapore and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency will provide access to public funding for joint projects, in accordance with national funding rules. The call is managed using the EUREKA platform for trans-borders innovation. The project consortium should include at least one Dutch company and one company from Singapore. Dutch research organisations can participate as partner. Organisations from Austria, Belgium (Flanders Region), Canada, Estonia, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and the UK may also participate as partner.


Virtual Matchmaking Platform

Interested companies are highly encouraged to set up their company profiles on the dedicated virtual matchmaking platform for this call. The link to this platform can be found here


Information Webinar

Enterprise Singapore, Innovate UK, Netherlands Enterprise Agency, and IPI Singapore, organised in June of this year an information webinar. This webinar, infromed participantsyou more about how to participate, details on funding support and how to find project partners.


General info from EUREKA Network:

Dutch partners can find more info here:

Interested Singapore companies must meet the eligibility criteria for the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) in order to apply and can connect directly with ESG:

HSD Partners involved

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